Dylan Michael Hrehe
December 2 2010 - March 1 2013
Age: 2 years old
On February 23 2013, Dylan and his 4 year old brother was playing on the family's trampoline which was located in the backyard, while their parents went back and forth between the house and yard.
A couple minutes after the parents last went out, Dylan's brother came inside and said that Dylan was "asleep" on the floor outside. Dylan was found blue and unconscious. His heart was beating but it was very faint and the paramedics were breathing for him on the way to hospital.
Once at hospital, the MRI scan showed brain damage through the EEG scan showed some brain activity. He was kept in hospital.
Further investigation showed that the earbuds Dylan was wearing round his neck, had been caught in the springs. Causing him to be tragically strangled to death.
Sadly, 6 days after the accident Dylan passed away in his mother's arms.

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