Melody Starr Alexander
July 23 2005 - February 9 2007
Age: 18 months old
Melody was born on July 23, 2005 to Crystal Privette and Sonny Alexander in Tennessee, USA.
On February 9 2007, Melody was having a bath with her 3 year old brother, Landan. Their mother, Crystal, is watching them. Then, 6 month old Alanna began to cry, Crystal stood up and walked out of the room to check on Alanna. She left baby Melody and three year old Landan alone in the bathtub. After she calmed Alanna down, she quickly loaded the dishwasher. When she came back into the bathroom, Landan was stood up in the bath.
Crystal asked Landan "where is sissy?" Landan replied "right there!" and pointed into the soapy water. Crystal walked closer to the bath and saw Melody's blond hair under the water. She immediately grabbed Melody out of the water and put her onto the floor. She was very blue and unresponsive. Crystal called for Sonny who called 911. The ambulance soon arrived and Melody was rushed to hospital. The police was very suspicious of Sonny and Crystal and wouldn't even let them go to the hospital to be with Melody.
When the police finally let Sonny and Crystal go, it was too late. Crystal called her sister and found out the Melody had passed away. Melody had accidentally drowned in the bathtub while playing with her three year old brother. Autopsy revealed that Melody passed away due to drowning. It was proved that Crystal had only been out of the bathroom for around 45 seconds and in that small amount of time, Melody drowned.
Rest in peace Melody.
Poor parents😢