Sunday, February 03, 2019

Madyson Bogard

Madyson May Bogard
December 12 2003 - January 16 2008
Age: 4 years old 

Madyson was born on December 12, 2003 to Andrew Bogard and Crystie Hardy in Colorado Springs, USA. Madyson was described as a sweet and adorable little girl, who enjoyed singing in the shower. She was fond of the colors pink and purple. Her favorite foods were ravioli, pancakes, and string cheese.

On January 13 2008, Madyson's mother's boyfriend, Mark Friend, pushed Madyson into a door and she hit her head and fell to the floor. Madyson's mother, Chrystie, also admitted hitting her daughter on the back of the head so hard that her hand tingled.

After one hit, Madyson cried “Ow!” and began to cry and curled up in a ball on the floor. Between Madyson's mother, Chrystie Hardy and Mark Friend, Madyson was hit in the head between three and five times.

When Madyson would not stop crying, Mark filled the tub with cold water and forced her into it  pouring cold water on her as she thrashed around in the tub and tried to get out. He also held her head under the water. Afterwards, Madyson went into convulsions on the bathroom floor. She had tears running down her face because her head hurt.

Mark also said he threw Madyson against a metal bed where she her hit her head with so much force that it caused her to bounce back and hit her head again on the floor

Mark Friend also admitted to "flicking" Madyson in her private parts. Both adults witnessed Madyson have seizures but they never sought medical care for her, they said. Madyson was also sexually assaulted by Mark Friend.

Chrystie Hardy was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Mark Friend was sentenced to life in prison.

Rest in peace Madyson.


  1. I have a friend at school named Madison

  2. OMG. This story is horrible. They should of both got the death penalty. That poor baby cried that her head hurt from being thrown at a bed. My heart is broken. No one deserves this, especially an innocent child. RIP little Angel.

  3. I can't even believe the mother let the boyfriend RAPE the child! She's only 4! No mother should be on their evil boyfriend's side, choosing to beat the crap out of the little one they created! I say they BOTH BURN IN HELL! RIP Madyson. <3

  4. They should have gotten death
