Sunday, May 05, 2019

Savannah Cullen

Savannah Marie Cullen
May 29, 2005 - November 3, 2006
Age: 17 months old 

Savannah Marie Cullen was born on May 29, 2005 to Dominic and Shauneen Cullen in California, USA. On November 3, 2006, 17 month old Savannah was put down for a nap but never woke up. She died due to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death or crib death, is the sudden unexplained death of a child of less than one year of age. Diagnosis requires that the death remains unexplained even after a thorough autopsy and detailed death scene investigation. SIDS usually occurs during sleep. The items in a baby's crib and his or her sleeping position can combine with a baby's physical problems to increase the risk of SIDS. Despite this, overall, SIDS cannot be prevented and there are no warnings. RIP Savannah.

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